The Wiki Loves Women Focus coaching program is a practical, action-oriented, mentored online training program facilitated by mentors. It aims to provide skills and knowledge specifically designed to support community leaders in creating programs and initiatives for gender equity within the Wikimedia and Open movements. The Focus coaching program will provide insights, guidance, skill transfers, and mentoring to help each member of the working group plan a gender equity program within their community and gather the resources and skills needed to implement this program.

The Wiki Loves Women Focus Group was initially formed in 2021 and comprised 12 women representing 8 African countries (Botswana, Nigeria, Sudan, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Cameroon, and Rwanda), as well as France. In 2022, the group welcomed two new members from South Africa and Tunisia, expanding its composition. As part of the 2023 program, the WLW working group continued to grow with the addition of 4 new members, making it more diverse and inclusive. The primary goal of the working group members is to raise awareness by organizing the participation of local communities in the #SheSaid initiative. #SheSaid began as an online campaign in 2020 to enhance the visibility of women leaders by creating new entries or improving existing entries on Wikiquote. This ensures that the voices of women are heard.

In 2024, 12 new members joined the group to attend 30 women from 12 African countries (Botswana, Nigeria, Sudan, South Africa, Zimbabwae, Kenya, Cameroun, Rwanda, Tunisia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Egypt) and France.

Meet the Focus Group Members