Wiki Loves Women encourages the contribution of quality information
on, about, and of interest to Africa’s women
to be published on and made widely available via Wikipedia.

Wiki Loves Women is a corner-stone community project of Wiki In Africa.
Listen to the women in Africa who are Inspiring Open.

Wiki Loves Women Activities

About the Wiki Loves Women

Gender inequality is rife across Africa (and beyond), especially online, where there is a shortage of fact-based news, information and knowledge about Africa’s successful women, or women’s experiences across the continent. 

The Wiki Loves Women initiative was founded in 2016 to bridge two significant knowledge gaps  – women and Africa – in terms of accessible, online content that features or celebrates women, and content authored by women to share their experiences and inspirations. 

Wiki Loves Women’s multi-layered, international activations informs, mobilised, and trains women to contribute factual information to open knowledge platforms, and in doing so, celebrates the pivotal roles that women play in each country or region’s political, economic, scientific, cultural, and heritage landscape. It does this through a year-round program that focuses on these specific elements:

Wiki Loves Women was founded by Isla Haddow-Flood and Florence Devouard. It is a pivotal project of Wiki In Africa. It was founded through funding from the Goethe-Institut and has since been supported by the Wikimedia Foundation. The project, its documentation, and its outcomes are published under CC BY SA 4.0.