On 29th November, Ashesi University charted a new  cause by embracing Open Movement activities.The Wiki Loves Women  Team as part of its outreach activities  their  outreach to Brekuso Hills where  Ashesi University is located.

This was a follow up to an earlier conversation with Ashesi University by the Team Lead and WIR about having a collaboration with the University to promote Open activities.

The event was highly attended by students who were enthused about Wikipedia. The Project Lead Felix Nartey took the students through a session on Wikipedia. This was followed by a serious of questions .

Raphael Berchie the Wikipedian-in-Residence then took the students through a session on Wiki Loves Women. This will be followed up subsequently by a training session at the University. This will give the students the chance to contribute to Wikipedia and its sister projects.

Plans are also far advanced to start a campus based club to promote the activities of Wikipedia on the campus.


